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Db2 12 for z/OS Introduction to System Administration

formación Db2 12 for z/OS Introduction to System Administration

Descripción: Curso Db2 12 for z/OS Introduction to System Administration

Formación en IBM Db2

This course provides students with an introduction to the skills and knowledge needed to administer a Db2 12 for z/OS system.

Formación IBM

Db2 for z/OS   


After completing this course, students should be able to:

  • Start and stop a Db2 subsystem
  • Use the SET SYSPARM command
  • Access the system log to gather information about the subsystem initialization, operation, or shutdown
  • Describe the components and address space structure of a Db2 subsystem
  • Explain the use of RACF (or another external security program) for Db2 connection security
  • Explain the use of Roles and Trusted Contexts
  • Implement security procredures for a Db2 subsystem
  • Explain Db2 program flow for all environments
  • Explain parameter setting for the IRLM
  • Invoke and utilitze Db2 TSO facilities
  • Use the Db2 Catalog to monitor subsystem authorizations
  • Work with the Active Log data sets
  • Explain Db2 logging
  • Use DSNJU004 to print log map and interpret the results
  • Use DSNJU003 to rename Db2 data sets
  • Plan for recovery of a BSDS failure
  • Monitor and control a Db2 subsystem
  • Explain transaction flow in IMS and CICS environments (optional)
  • Describe the CICS and DB2 environment (optional)
  • Explain the difference between JDBC and SQLJ
  • And much more

This course is intended for z/OS system administrators, database administrators, or other technical individuals who will be managing Db2 12 for z/OS.

  • Understanding of the objects (such as databases, table spaces, tables, indexes, and so forth) used in a Db2 subsystem
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  • Basic knowledge of SQL
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  • At least one year as a z/OS systems programmer or equivalent knowledge
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  • At least one year as a Db2 for z/OS Database Administrator
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After completing this course, students should be able to:

  • Start and stop a Db2 subsystem
  • Use the SET SYSPARM command
  • Access the system log to gather information about the subsystem initialization, operation, or shutdown
  • Describe the components and address space structure of a Db2 subsystem
  • Explain the use of RACF (or another external security program) for Db2 connection security
  • Explain the use of Roles and Trusted Contexts
  • Implement security procredures for a Db2 subsystem
  • Explain Db2 program flow for all environments
  • Explain parameter setting for the IRLM
  • Invoke and utilitze Db2 TSO facilities
  • Use the Db2 Catalog to monitor subsystem authorizations
  • Work with the Active Log data sets
  • Explain Db2 logging
  • Use DSNJU004 to print log map and interpret the results
  • Use DSNJU003 to rename Db2 data sets
  • Plan for recovery of a BSDS failure
  • Monitor and control a Db2 subsystem
  • Explain transaction flow in IMS and CICS environments (optional)
  • Describe the CICS and DB2 environment (optional)
  • Explain the difference between JDBC and SQLJ
  • And much more
  • Código: CV853G
  • Metodología: ILT
  • Duración: 3.0 Días
  • Habilidades: IBM Db2
  • Áreas: IBM Db2
  • Precio:Consultar

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