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Sterling Order Management System: Extending the Application (ILT)

formación Sterling Order Management System: Extending the Application (ILT)

Descripción: Curso Sterling Order Management System: Extending the Application (ILT)

Formación en IBM Sterling

This instructor-led course introduces learners to the technical framework of the Sterling Order Management application. It covers how to customize the application to meet specific business requirements and provides an overview of the technical architecture of the system, including installation and deployment.

The course deep dives into the concepts of extending transaction workflows, fulfillment pipelines, and transferring data between applications. Learners will discover how to create, extend, and customize agents, agent servers, APIs, and services. Additionally, the course explores database extensibility, object extensibility, presentation framework, and customization of the Sterling Order Management System user interface.

Formación IBM

Order Management   


To be added later.

Implementers and Developers. 

To be added later.

  • Código: 6F144G
  • Metodología: ILT
  • Duración: 4.0 Días
  • Habilidades: IBM Sterling
  • Áreas: IBM Sterling
  • Precio:Consultar

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