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watsonx Assistant: Build an AI Assistant

formación watsonx Assistant: Build an AI Assistant

Descripción: Curso watsonx Assistant: Build an AI Assistant

Formación en

Building AI Assistants with IBM watsonx Assistant aims to equip non-technical business users with the skills and experience needed to plan, design, build, test, and deploy their own AI Assistant. The student will learn how to create assistant services and instances, create assistants from scratch, handle state, upload existing assistants, copy actions between one assistant and another, set conversational paths between actions, test, deploy and analyze user interactions over time.  

Formación IBM



  • Unit 1: Overview of watsonx Assistant
  • Unit 2: Planning, Designing, and Building your first assistant
  • Unit 3: Build an action
  • Unit 4: Upload assistant, copy action, and edit
  • Unit 5: Disambiguation, digression, debugging
  • Unit 6: Deploy Assistant to a website
  • Unit 7: Assistant Analysis

AI Assistant Engineers, Consultants

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Build your first intelligent virtual agent
  • Build conversational flows using actions
  • Configure access control to invite others to collaborate
  • Train and configure Watson Assistant’s out of the box Artificial Intelligence
  • Deploy your first assistant to your website
  • Monitor analytics to improve your assistant
  • Troubleshoot your live virtual assistant
  • Código: W7S175GS
  • Metodología: SPVC
  • Duración: 0.5 Días
  • Habilidades:
  • Áreas:
  • Precio:Consultar

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