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z/OS JCL and Utilities

formación z/OS JCL and Utilities

Descripción: Curso z/OS JCL and Utilities

Formación en System Operators

This course is designed to teach you how to use z/OS job control language (JCL) and selected z/OS utility programs in an online batch environment. Both Storage Management Subsystem (SMS) and non-SMS JCL are discussed. Machine lab exercises complement the lecture material.

Formación IBM



  • Introduction to JCL

This basic course is intended for people who want to use z/OS JCL and utilities.

You should have:

  • Basic knowledge of IS technologies.

You should be familiar with:

  • z/OS concepts and how these systems supports the Enterprise Servers.

This knowledge can be obtained by attending course An Introduction to the z/OS Environment (ES05G).

  • Code basic JCL statements using proper syntax and coding rules, including JCL for:
    • Creating new data sets
    • Referencing existing data sets
    • Condition code testing
    • IF/THEN/ELSE/ENDIF constructs
    • Generation data groups
    • Output routing
    • JCL enhancements introduced by various releases of Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS), OS/390, and z/OS
  • Identify Storage Management Subsystem requirements
  • Code instream and cataloged procedures
  • Use symbolic parameters in procedures
  • Code procedure overrides and additions super
  • Use selected utility programs
  • Describe tape processing facilities
  • Code sort and merge control statements and associated JCL statements
  • Recognize and resolve common abnormal terminations (ABENDs)
  • Código: ES07
  • Metodología: ILT
  • Duración: 4.5 Días
  • Habilidades: System Operators
  • Áreas: System Operators
  • Precio:Consultar

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