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QRadar SOAR: Integration with QRadar SIEM

formación QRadar SOAR: Integration with QRadar SIEM

Descripción: Curso QRadar SOAR: Integration with QRadar SIEM

Formación en

Gain knowledge on how to integrate QRadar SOAR and SIEM by installing the SOAR Plugin app on SIEM and analyze the SIEM offense in the SOAR QRadar Offense Details tab. Discover how to use playbooks to improve SIEM and SOAR integration. 

Formación IBM



  • SOAR and SIEM integration
  • Lab
  1. Gain hands-on experience with the SOAR and SIEM console
  2. Configure and use QRadar SOAR Plugin app
  3. Configure and use QRadar Enhanced Data Migration app
  4. Configure and use QRadar Integration app and playbooks
  • Quiz
  • Código: BQ430XGS
  • Metodología: SPVC
  • Duración: 0.4 Días
  • Habilidades:
  • Áreas:
  • Precio:Consultar

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